Our top tips for wearing contact lenses
Prescription contact lenses can bring a whole new world of freedom to many people with vision problems. No matter what your prescription, these small but mighty discs can bring clear vision without the weight of glasses frames.
Our top tips for wearing contact lenses
Prescription contact lenses can bring a whole new world of freedom to many people with vision problems. No matter what your prescription, these small but mighty discs can bring clear vision without the weight of glasses frames.
If you’ve recently started wearing contact lenses or you’re hoping to get some soon, here are a few handy hints and tips to help you get the best experience.
Top tips for comfortable, safe contact lenses
Once you get the hang of wearing contact lenses, you won’t often notice they’re there. They can be a great vision correction tool for lots of people but it’s essential to look after both your lenses and your eyes. But how? Here are some tips to keep in mind.
1. Choose the best contact lenses for your lifestyle
When you book an eye test and contact lens consultation, your Optician will talk you through your different options. Making sure you choose the right type of contact lenses for your lifestyle will help them become a seamless part of your everyday routine.
If you plan to wear your lenses a couple of days a week, daily disposable contact lenses are your best bet. You wear them for a day, then throw them away — no storage or cleaning needed. Depending on how frequently you use your lenses, dailies tend to be more expensive than reusable fortnightly or monthly contact lenses but they give you more flexibility and can lead to less wastage.
On the other hand, if you’re keen to wear your contacts every day and are confident to clean and store them properly, monthly contact lenses can be a cost-effective option.
Depending on your prescription, you might also benefit from multifocal contact lenses.
2. Practise putting your contact lenses on
Are you feeling nervous about putting your contacts on and taking them out again? Practice makes perfect! When you’re getting used to the process, take your time and stay calm. For more advice, take a look at our step-by-step guide to putting your contact lenses on.
3. Keep your contact lenses clean
Keeping your lenses clean and hygienic is vital. Always rinse them using fresh contact lens solution — never use tap water as it can contain bacteria that may lead to an eye infection.
4. Replace your contact lenses as needed
If you wear reusable contact lenses, make sure you replace them with a fresh pair at the right time. Even if you haven’t worn your fortnightly lenses for fourteen days, you need to make sure you throw them away after that time. Likewise, never wear daily contact lenses for more than one day.
5. Don’t sleep in your contact lenses
You might be wondering if you can sleep in contact lenses but the recommendation is usually no, except in exceptional circumstances with special lens types. Even if it’s just a short nap, you may wake up with your eyes feeling dry and uncomfortable, and leaving your lenses in overnight increases your risk of an eye infection.
6. Don’t go swimming when wearing contact lenses
Just as tap water can lead to eye infections, swimming with contact lenses is also best avoided. Swimming with poor vision can be frustrating, so why not look into getting some prescription goggles? That way, you can enjoy being underwater with crisp eyesight and no worries about contact lens contamination.
7. Put your contact lenses on before applying eye makeup
If you’re a glasses wearer who’s ever tried putting eyeliner or mascara on, you’ll know it can be a bit of a struggle. Do you remove your glasses and apply the makeup with blurry vision or try and manoeuvre your cosmetics under the lenses? Contact lenses can make the process a whole lot easier.
But it’s helpful to put your contact lenses on before trying to apply any eye makeup. Not only will you likely be able to see what you’re doing more clearly, but you’ll also reduce the risk of your eyes watering, smudging your makeup and/or getting makeup debris under the lens which can be uncomfortable.
8. Keep a pair of glasses and some spare contact lenses with you at all times
Once your contact lenses are on, they should be pretty sturdy. However, there may be exceptional times you rub your eye and a lens falls out, or you may simply want to take a break and pop your glasses on instead. As such, it’s a good idea to keep a pair of specs and some spare contact lenses with you when you’re out and about so you always have an extra option.
9. Consider a contact lens subscription
Although you can order contact lenses as and when you need them, a subscription ensures you never run out. Plus, with our Belong Contact Lens Subscription Plan, you get free eye examinations and contact lens reviews to keep up with any eyesight changes and make sure you’ve always got the right lenses for your needs. Our Belong plan also includes all your contact lens appointments and exclusive discounts.
Clarity, comfort, and convenience with Bayfields Opticians
Contact lenses can be a great choice for many people with vision problems. No matter your prescription, our friendly team at Bayfields Opticians can help you find the perfect contact lenses for your lifestyle.
If you’re ready to make the switch to contact lenses or want to learn more about contact lenses for your child, please feel free to get in touch. Find your local Bayfields branch and book an appointment today.