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Protecting Your Precious Sound: Common Causes of Hearing Loss and How to Prevent Them
Hearing is essential for daily life, but hearing loss is rising and often preventable by understanding its causes—like noise exposure, aging, earwax buildup, infections, and certain medications. Bayfields Opticians and Audiologists offer solutions and free hearing health checks to help preserve your hearing.

A guide to ear wax removal - how to prepare for your appointment
Read on for all you need to know about the process and what you’ll need to do before your ear wax removal appointment.

Hearing loss - how to spot the early signs
Did you know that hearing loss, tinnitus, and deafness affect around 12 million people in the UK? It’s more common than you might think — in fact, many more people may be experiencing hearing loss without realising it.

How Regular use of Earphones affect our ears
In today's world, earphones are widely used for convenience, but they can harm hearing health. Prolonged high-volume use damages inner ear cells, leading to hearing loss and tinnitus. Earphones also raise infection risks and cause earwax buildup.