Sometimes missing that beat? Conversations hard to hear?
Our FREE 15 minute Hearing Health Check could help you reconnect again.

Is poor hearing affecting your everyday life in small ways?

If you are finding that you are missing out on things because you are straining to hear everything, this indicates that you need to have a hearing health check. 

Many people put up with common side effects of hearing loss for many years before taking action, but recognising some of the signs of hearing loss is key for ear health.

Recognising the signs is the first step

Do some of these symptoms ring true for you or a loved one?
  • Difficulty understanding speech and missing parts of the conversation, especially in a group.
  • Increasingly needing to turn up the TV or music as you can hear the sound but not all of the words
  • Missing high-pitched sounds like children’s voices, or the beeping noises of kitchen appliances.

The next step is to get a hearing health check

Our Hearing Health Checks are only 15 minutes, and they could make a big difference to your life. Your hearing is unique and so are you, so our expert Audiologists take time to understand how your hearing is impacting your life, so they can find the best solution for you.

Find your local Bayfields and book in your Hearing Health Check today.

To find out more about our Audiology services click here.