How to put in contact lenses: A guide
New to contact lenses? Learn how to easily and safely put your contact lenses in for clear, comfortable vision. Book a contact lens appointment with Bayfields Opticians.
Prescription contact lenses can be a great alternative to glasses. For many people, they bring an extra level of confidence and freedom — especially if you enjoy playing sports or don’t like the feeling of spectacles.
However, the prospect of putting your lenses on for the first time can seem a little daunting. After all, it’s not often that you’re required to touch your eye.
Fortunately, with the right technique and a bit of practice, you’ll soon be putting your contact lenses on with ease. Our guide is here to help you apply and remove your contact lenses swiftly, safely, and comfortably.
How do contact lenses work?
Contact lenses share the same principle as glasses: they alter how your eyes focus light to make your vision clearer. The key difference is that contact lenses sit flush against your eye. There are different types of contact lenses and you should speak to your Optometrist to work out which type is most suitable for you.
Did you know that contact lenses can be suitable for children as well as adults? For more information, book a children’s eye test with one of our eye care specialists.
Choosing your contact lenses
Before we look at how best to put your contact lenses on, it’s helpful to explore the types of lenses available. The type you go for will affect how you store and care for your contact lenses and how long you can wear the same pair.
Nowadays, most contact lenses are disposable, meaning you throw them away after a certain amount of time — daily, fortnightly, and monthly are the most popular replacement frequencies.
Daily contact lenses
With daily disposable contact lenses, you remove your lenses at the end of the day, after a single wear. There’s no need to clean or store daily lenses.
Fortnightly and monthly contact lenses
Opting for fortnightly or monthly reusable contact lenses can be a budget-friendly choice. After each day’s wear, you’ll clean your contact lenses with a dedicated solution and store them overnight in a clean container.
Fortnightly contact lenses can be worn for up to two weeks, and you can wear monthly lenses for a maximum of one month.
Can you sleep in contact lenses?
Although there are some special contact lenses that can be slept in, this is only usually recommended in exceptional circumstances. For most contact lens users, It’s important to note that whether you use daily, fortnightly, or monthly contact lenses, you need to take them out before going to bed. Sleeping with contact lenses in can lead to discomfort and potential infection.
How to put contact lenses in
It is important to note that there are a few different techniques you can use to put a contact lens onto your eye. Practice and training from your Optician will help you to determine the best technique for you. So, where to start with putting your contact lenses on?
Step one: Wash your hands
Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes. It’s best to use a mild unscented soap and to dry your hands with a lint-free towel to reduce the chance of any particles getting stuck on your fingers.
Step two: Take your lens out of its packaging
If you’re using daily contact lenses, peel back the foil and remove your lens from the solution. For reusable contact lenses, you’ll need to unscrew the lid from your lens container and rinse the lens with fresh solution — never wash it with water.
Step three: Check your contact lens
Balance the contact lens on the tip of your index finger and check it’s the right way around — you should see a regular semi-circle curving upwards. If the contact lens flares out at the top, it’s inside out so you’ll need to flip it around. Check that there aren’t any flecks of dirt or lint on your contact lens before placing it onto your eye.
Step four: Place the contact lens on your eye
Using one hand, gently open your eye by pulling your top eyelid up and your bottom eyelid down. This will create space for you to apply your contact lens using the index finger on your other hand.
Place the lens on your lower eye while looking up and let it settle for a moment.
Step five: Blink
Next, blink to help centre the contact lens. You may find it useful to look from left to right and up and down to help your contact lens adjust.
Step six: Repeat with the other eye
Now it’s time for the other eye! Repeat the process and you’ll soon have clear, comfortable vision.
How to remove contact lenses
Now you know how to put your contact lenses on like a pro — but what about taking them off at the end of the day?
- Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.
- Using one hand, gently pull your eyelid up to create space so you can reach your contact lens with the other hand.
- Use the middle finger of your second hand to gently pull your lower eyelid down.
- Then use your forefinger and thumb to create a light pinching motion to very gently grip the contact lens — make sure you use the pads of your fingertips. It’s a good idea to trim and file your nails to reduce any risk of accidental scratching.
- Now you can lift the contact lens off.
- Dispose of the contact lens if it’s a daily or place it in fresh solution if it’s a fortnightly or monthly lens.
Contact lenses and ongoing care from Bayfields Opticians
If contact lenses seem like the ideal choice for you, feel free to book an appointment with one of our experienced Opticians. For additional peace of mind, why not take a look at our Belong contact lens subscription? As well as granting you a discount on contact lenses, our Belong plan includes free eye examinations, contact lens reviews, emergency appointments, and more.
Find your nearest Bayfields Opticians branch today and start your journey towards optimal vision.